
News Alert: The U.S. Supreme Court Case of Connelly v. United States Gives Closely Held Business Owners Another Important Issue to Consider!

Connelly represents a significant shift away from previous law. This shift means that existing buy-sell agreements should be revisited and, possibly, restructured as soon as ...
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Corporate Transparency Act: A Big Deal for Anyone With an Interest in a Closely Held Company Beginning 1.1.2024! (Updated July 23, 2024)

Georgia has a new probate law going into effect on July 1, 2023 that imposes new and additional requirements on appointed Executors. The new statute, ...
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News Alert: U.S. Supreme Court Says Inherited IRAs Are Not Protected From Creditors Under Federal Bankruptcy Law

On June 12, 2014, the Supreme Court issued its decision in Clark et ux. V. Rameker, Trustee, et al, 573 U.S. _____ (2014), which is ...
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