Estate & Tax Planning

Corporate Transparency Act: A Big Deal for Anyone With an Interest in a Closely Held Company Beginning 1.1.2024! (Updated July 23, 2024)

Georgia has a new probate law going into effect on July 1, 2023 that imposes new and additional requirements on appointed Executors. The new statute, ...
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Q&A with Loraine: One of my children is irresponsible with money. What is the best way to provide for him in my Will?

Question: My son has had a history of making poor financial decisions. I don’t want to leave him out of my Will, but I’m worried ...
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2024 Tax Year Estate Planning Related Tax Exemption Figures as Adjusted for Inflation

While high inflation is generally bad for the economy, the upside is that various tax figures adjust upwards for inflation on an annual (or other) ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Can I Create a Will Myself Using AI?

Question: I need to put together a basic, straightforward Will. Is there any reason I couldn’t use ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI) instead of hiring ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Is a child who takes care of aging parents entitled to their house?

Question: I lived with and took care of my parents for 16 years. My brother and sisters did nothing to help me. Both of my ...
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Don’t Forget This Important Step After Transferring Your Primary Residence to Your Revocable Living Trust!

Georgia has a new probate law going into effect on July 1, 2023 that imposes new and additional requirements on appointed Executors. The new statute, ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Should I add my adult disabled daughter to my house title?

Question: I am 77, and my daughter is 46 and disabled. Should I add her to the title on my house so that it won’t ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Is it better to name my kids as beneficiaries on my savings and investment accounts, or should I have my accounts go to my estate?

Question: Is it better to have my savings and investments go directly to my beneficiaries when I die, or should I have them go to ...
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