Collaborative Process – The New Alternative Legal Process for Amicably Resolving Disputes

As we discussed in our July 2010 newsletter, disputes relating to probate, or to the administration of an estate or trust, can and often do arise, and the traditional ways for resolving such disputes can each be less than fully satisfying. Estate and trust related disputes should be handled carefully, to help minimize the emotional and financial damage resulting from the dispute and to help the parties involved in the dispute preserve as much as possible of their relationships after the dispute is finally settled. As our July 2010 newsletter mentioned briefly, a newer process called the collaborative law process can offer a better way for these disputes to be addressed.

For this month’s newsletter, we prepared an article which focuses on the collaborative law process in more detail. To read the full article, click here: Collaborative Process – The New Alternative Legal Process for Amicably Resolving Disputes

At Morgan & DiSalvo, we believe that helping our clients resolve disputes while minimizing the overall economic and emotional costs is part of our calling as lawyers. We feel that the collaborative law process will be an important and growing part of our practice in the future, and that it allows us to offer our clients another great option for resolving estate and trust related disputes.

If you have questions regarding your interest in an existing estate or trust and would like us to help you understand your rights and interests and ensure that they are protected, or if you have been named as an Executor or Trustee and want to make sure you carry out your duties properly, we are here to help. Please contact us to schedule a meeting to discuss your situation, either by calling us at (678) 720-0750 or e-mailing Scarlett Ollila at We can help you figure out the situation and the best way to move forward. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you know someone who would like to receive copies of our newsletter, please have them contact us to be added to our distribution list.

– Loraine M. DiSalvo & Richard M. Morgan

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