National Estate Planning Awareness Week – October 20-25, 2014

During the third week of October every year, we recognize National Estate Planning Awareness Week. This is an ideal time for you to revisit your estate plan or make an appointment to create one. At Morgan and DiSalvo, we encourage all adults to protect themselves, their assets and their loved ones through estate planning.

While it is essential to have an estate plan in place, it is equally vital to keep the plan updated. Having a Will, Power of Attorney, Advance Directive for Health Care or other estate planning document in place doesn’t mean you never have to think about them again. They are living documents and may require occasional revisions.

“Estate plans and the documents required to carry them out should be updated periodically to ensure that they continue to reflect your desires, changes in your situation, and the applicable laws,” said Loraine DiSalvo, partner with Morgan and DiSalvo, P.C.

Additionally, changes in State and Federal laws may necessitate revisions to your plan. An estate planning attorney will help determine if you are impacted by new legislation regarding estate taxes, trusts, and probate laws that have been passed since you drafted your documents.

“Estate planning done correctly and reviewed regularly by a professional, can provide you and your loved ones with many benefits and, most importantly, peace of mind,” said DiSalvo. “Let National Estate Planning Awareness Week serve as your reminder to review and update your estate plan to ensure that it effectively reflects changes in your life and the lives of your intended beneficiaries.”

If you’d like to review or update your estate plan or you don’t have one, but would like to develop one, please contact us at 678-720-0750 or

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