
NEWS ALERT: House Ways and Means Committee Proposed Tax Legislation to Be Enacted Before the End of 2021 – The Good, The Bad and The Very Ugly!

On September 15, 2021, the House Ways and Means Committee (House W&M) passed out their 881-page proposed tax legislation (Proposed House Bill) to fund President ...
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Should I Set Up a Trust? – Richard Morgan speaks on the Decision Vision Podcast

Should I Set Up a Trust? – Richard Morgan speaks on the Decision Vision Podcast

  Morgan and DiSalvo, P.C.’s Richard Morgan talked all things related to trusts in an interview with Mike Blake of Brady Ware CPA’s “Decision Vision” ...
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Do You Need to Update Your Will and Other Estate Planning Documents If You Change Your State of Residence?

The question of needing to update your estate planning documents if you move to a different state is a common one. If your Will was ...
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Should I Use a Will or a Revocable Living Trust as My Primary Estate Planning Document? Separating Facts From Fiction (Updated July 2023)

by Richard Morgan As part of your base (core) estate plan, you need to determine if a Will or a Revocable Living Trust (RLT) should ...
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What Should You Do Now with Significant Federal Tax Law Changes Likely on Their Way?

In 2020, we provided a three-part newsletter series on “The Perfect Storm for Advanced Estate Planning.”  The convergence of three significant variables made that time ...
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Plan Now to Minimize Impact of Coming Tax Changes

Morgan & DiSalvo, P.C.’s Richard Morgan discusses estate planning and balancing today’s wishes with tomorrow’s tax results on Business RadioX with John Ray. Listen now! ...
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Georgia Powers of Attorney: Where Are We Now? (Originally Published July 2017, Updated March 2021)

Beginning July 1, 2017, Georgia’s laws relating to most written, general financial powers of attorney (POAs) created by individuals changed radically. This new set of ...
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Ethical Wills 2.0: Old School and Next Level Options to Communicate What is Really Important to Your Loved Ones (Updated June 2023)

Wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and advance directives for health care are all legal documents which deal with your assets and your health. These are ...
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