
How to Pass Assets to Your Spouse Under Your Estate Plan

For married couples, you will need to decide how to pass all or a portion of your assets to the surviving spouse under your estate ...
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How to Pass Inheritances to Your Children and Other Non-Spouse Beneficiaries

How to Pass Inheritances to Your Children and Other Non-Spouse Beneficiaries

  One of the primary decisions that you will need to make in structuring your estate plan is how to eventually pass on your remaining ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Out-of-state-probate

Question: I am the executor of my father’s estate and have sent all the paperwork to the bank to liquidate his accounts. However, the bank ...
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Should I Set Up a Trust? – Richard Morgan speaks on the Decision Vision Podcast

Should I Set Up a Trust? – Richard Morgan speaks on the Decision Vision Podcast

  Morgan and DiSalvo, P.C.’s Richard Morgan talked all things related to trusts in an interview with Mike Blake of Brady Ware CPA’s “Decision Vision” ...
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Do You Need to Update Your Will and Other Estate Planning Documents If You Change Your State of Residence?

The question of needing to update your estate planning documents if you move to a different state is a common one. If your Will was ...
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Should I Use a Will or a Revocable Living Trust as My Primary Estate Planning Document? Separating Facts From Fiction (Updated July 2023)

by Richard Morgan As part of your base (core) estate plan, you need to determine if a Will or a Revocable Living Trust (RLT) should ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Trusts and EINs

Question: When filing for an EIN after the death of the creator of a revocable trust does the name of the trust change from revocable ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Benefitting From a Trust

Question: As sole beneficiary of a trust, it states that the funds be used for my care, comfort, and support. Are my pets covered?  Background: ...
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