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Q&A with Loraine: Is it better to name my kids as beneficiaries on my savings and investment accounts, or should I have my accounts go to my estate?

Question: Is it better to have my savings and investments go directly to my beneficiaries when I die, or should I have them go to

Q&A with Loraine: Is it better to name my kids as beneficiaries on my savings and investment accounts, or should I have my accounts go to my estate? Read More »

Richard Morgan and Loraine DiSalvo Included in the 2024 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®

Morgan and DiSalvo, P.C. announced today that Partners Richard M. Morgan and Loraine M. DiSalvo are included in the 2024 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America® for their legal expertise in Trusts and Estates. Morgan has the additional distinction of being included for his expertise in Tax Law.

Richard Morgan and Loraine DiSalvo Included in the 2024 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America® Read More »

A 2014 Handwritten Will of the “Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin, Declared Valid by Jury

The estate of Aretha Franklin became the center of a family dispute after the “Queen of Soul” died in her Michigan home on August 14, 2018, at the age of 76.  Franklin was initially thought to have died without a will or trust in place to guide the disposition of her sizeable estate.

A 2014 Handwritten Will of the “Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin, Declared Valid by Jury Read More »

Q&A with Loraine: My father passed, and his estate went to my mother. Now my mother has passed. Who receives the estate now?

Question: My father passed, and his estate went to my mother. Now my mother has passed. Who receives the estate now? Loraine’s Answer: If your

Q&A with Loraine: My father passed, and his estate went to my mother. Now my mother has passed. Who receives the estate now? Read More »

Q&A with Loraine: I would like to leave my estate to close friends. How do I prepare my Will with my friends in mind?

Question: As a single woman who has never been married and has no children, I would like to leave my assets to close friends when

Q&A with Loraine: I would like to leave my estate to close friends. How do I prepare my Will with my friends in mind? Read More »

NEWS ALERT: New Will Probate Requirements to Notify Beneficiaries, Effective July 1, 2023

Georgia has a new probate law going into effect on July 1, 2023 that imposes new and additional requirements on appointed Executors. The new statute, Official Code of Georgia (“O.C.G.A.”) § 53-5-8, requires an appointed Executor to send a notice of that appointment to the beneficiaries under the Will.

NEWS ALERT: New Will Probate Requirements to Notify Beneficiaries, Effective July 1, 2023 Read More »

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