
Q&A with Loraine: What if my husband’s estranged adult daughter refuses to sign the Acknowledgment of Service and Assent to Probate document?

Question: What do I do if my husband’s estranged adult daughter refuses to sign the Acknowledgment of Service and Assent to Probate document? She is ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Is an estate responsible for a decedent’s debt if the administrator is not contacted directly?

Question: I am the administrator of an estate. A credit card company sent an email to the decedent’s workplace, and it was not forwarded to ...
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Q&A with Loraine: My Mom Died without a Will and I am the sole survivor. How can I sell Her House in Georgia?

Question: How can I sell my mother’s house in Georgia? She died in 2008 without a Will. I am the only survivor. She was widowed, ...
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Q&A with Loraine: What Happens to a Person’s Mortgage When They Pass Away?

Question: My mother passed away without a Will. She has a house with a mortgage, and her only heirs are my brother and me. What ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Can I leave my share of my parents’ house to my husband in a Will?

Question: My mother passed away last year and my dad, without my knowledge, added my name to their house deed. It is fully paid off ...
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Q&A with Loraine: My house is in an irrevocable trust with two sons as trustees. Can I move out of the house and the trustees rent it?

Question: My house is in an irrevocable trust with two sons as trustees. Can I move out of the house and the trustees rent it? ...
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Q&A with Loraine: Does My Mother Need a Will if I’m Her Only Child?

Question: Until recently, my mother and I lived in different states. However, she has moved in with me so that I can take care of ...
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Q&A with Loraine: In Which State Should a Request for an Estate Administrator be Filed?

Question: My brother’s fiancée died in Georgia. Her family (brothers and mother) live in Kentucky. They want my brother to administer her estate. They are ...
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