Q&A with Loraine: Trusts and EINs
Question: When filing for an EIN after the death of the creator of a revocable trust does the name of the trust change from revocable
Q&A with Loraine: Trusts and EINs Read More »
Question: When filing for an EIN after the death of the creator of a revocable trust does the name of the trust change from revocable
Q&A with Loraine: Trusts and EINs Read More »
In 2020, we provided a three-part newsletter series on “The Perfect Storm for Advanced Estate Planning.” The convergence of three significant variables made that time
What Should You Do Now with Significant Federal Tax Law Changes Likely on Their Way? Read More »
Question: As sole beneficiary of a trust, it states that the funds be used for my care, comfort, and support. Are my pets covered? Background:
Q&A with Loraine: Benefitting From a Trust Read More »
Morgan & DiSalvo, P.C.’s Richard Morgan discusses estate planning and balancing today’s wishes with tomorrow’s tax results on Business RadioX with John Ray. Listen now!
Plan Now to Minimize Impact of Coming Tax Changes Read More »
Question: Who does the home legally belong to? Background: The home (in question) was bought in the 70s, with the down payment paid by my
Q&A with Loraine: Deeds Versus Wills Read More »
Beginning July 1, 2017, Georgia’s laws relating to most written, general financial powers of attorney (POAs) created by individuals changed radically. This new set of laws was based on the Uniform Power of Attorney Act (UPOAA), with some modifications. The Georgia Legislature then enacted several technical corrections in 2018. Considering this significant change in Georgia law, we published a three-part Newsletter series in 2017.
Question: How do I correctly fill out a Petition for Letters of Administration? Background: My father passed intestate. [Editor’s note: “Passed intestate” means to die
Q&A with Loraine: Petition for Letters of Administration Read More »
Wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and advance directives for health care are all legal documents which deal with your assets and your health. These are